Friday, June 18, 2010

In the Last 24 Hours...

Yesterday was eventful for Eliza.  As I went to warm up a bottle of milk, I asked: "Do you want your baba?" (Yes, I said "baba"). She immediately answered, saying: "baba" right back to me. I was momentarily speechless and confused; I wasn't expecting a response. Of course, it was adorable, although unbelievable for a few moments. I should have known her first word would be food/milk related.

She loves drinking milk and holding her own bottle. Earlier this week, Eliza began refusing bottles if we tried feeding her. We must now give the bottle to her, and she will feed herself.
 As if that wasn't enough excitement for one day, Eliza impressed us again with this trick:
She pulled herself up! I walked into her nursery to find her gripping the railing of the crib as if she were a prisoner....and then I took a picture. I was shocked to find her attempting to use the bumper as an escape tool. She was precariously leaning over the edge of the rail, desperately trying to get out of bed. She looked pretty proud of herself, too.
Tomorrow's project: lowering the mattress. I don't trust that cute little grin or the mischievous look in her eyes.


  1. That little girl is just full of surprises! I love her little smirk. There's definitely scheming going on behind those eyes.

  2. Wow! She's growing up! How cute is that? When Noah was brand new, sometimes I thought about how creepy it would be if he answered my questions..."Does my little boy want some milk?" "Yeah, thanks, that would be great." :)

  3. that is quite the face in the last picture, "he mom, check me out." Your crib make my day by the way.


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