Thursday, May 27, 2010

Apparently, Lint is Good

Does anyone have answers as to why Eliza would rather eat lint from the carpet and floors instead of small solid baby foods which are ACTUAL food? I just don't understand it! Every time I look away for a second, Eliza has found a fuzzy carpet ball...and put it into her mouth. She then refuses to allow anyone to remove the lint from her mouth. Hopefully, this is just a phase. I don't like thinking about my daughter storing pieces of who knows what in her cheeks. I guess it gives me an excuse to vacuum/sweep more than I already do. My obsessive floor cleaning may finally come in handy.
This is the face of realization: Lint is gross.


  1. My sister calls those "carpet yum yums." Her little girl loved to find them too. That last picture is so funny!!

  2. We had a nasty hand-me-down couch until Megan started eating the stuffing out of it. Then we got a new one.


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