Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Things That Have Made Me Happy Lately (as told by Instagram)

Nathan and Ezra cuddling
I take a walk in my neighborhood and get to see this.
Eliza's happiness when she is reunited with Ruby (after a long 12 hours) always makes me smile. Also, I love how Ruby is wearing her mom's headband.
A rare moment of the boys cuddling and sharing Ezra's favorite blanket.
Eliza with a huge bow in her hair makes me smile.
The girls after ballet--feeling accomplished and extremely happy.
Eliza drew a "B walking on legs!"
Elliott spies a grasshopper and is thrilled.
A baby with a mustache binkie (also Becca's rug is awesome). 
The sunset seen from our balcony.
Misha Collins. This isn't on Instagram, but it should be. In fact, it should be everywhere because it is THAT amazing.


  1. I love all your little munchkins. They make me happy too!

  2. Um I too have a love of Misha Collins! also you are super blessed :)

  3. Misha is the king of awesome pictures.


A Penny For Your Thoughts