Monday, September 17, 2012

Pre-Surgery Jitters

We're in a hotel next door to Sacred Heart Medical Center with Ezra and Elliott. Their surgeries are back to back tomorrow, beginning at 6 AM. I know the procedure is relatively minor, but like any mom, I am stressed out of my mind. I will be one happy lady once tomorrow is over. In the meantime, we'd gladly welcome any and all thoughts and prayers for our little e's.


  1. Will be thinking of you the whole time.

  2. Prayers and thoughts for your whole family today. Update when you have time.

  3. They are so cute! I love them. And you. I know everything will go great.

  4. I'm sure it will all work out just fine but you're in our prayers! The hardest part about being a mom is worrying about your little ones being in pain :(


A Penny For Your Thoughts