The past couple of days have been crazy. On Friday, the majority of Nathan's family came into town. Nathan's little brother, Brandon, and his band had a sold out show scheduled at The Velour for Saturday night, so the family showed up to support the youngest Robbins brother. Additionally, Brandon had huge
(and very secret plans) to propose to his girlfriend, my childhood friend Haleigh, during the concert. Haleigh didn't know, but her mom, dad, and one of her brothers had flown to Utah to be at the concert and see the proposal.
We had a full house with my in-laws, Brandon, and Haleigh staying at our tiny condo, and I felt stressed out the entire time because I just
knew I was going to accidentally say something and ruin the engagement! We kept busy by going to In-N-Out with the family, visiting Scheels and riding their huge indoor Ferris wheel, sneaking to Olive Garden to meet Haleigh's family without her knowing we were going, and running around to make sure we had flowers and other various things for the engagement and subsequent celebratory party. The actual proposal couldn't come soon enough! I am so terrible at keeping secrets! We tried to distract ourselves by watching football and not thinking about the proposal, but I think everyone who knew (so everyone but Haleigh) was a nervous wreck. Luckily, Eliza was around to give Uncle Brandon some extra love before the big night.

Before the concert Saturday night, Nathan and I left our condo full of family members and headed to the ward Halloween party for a little bit. Eliza had an amazing Tiana dressed she was begging to wear, and Nathan and I couldn't deny everyone at church the chance to see the cutest twin superheroes.
We came home from the Halloween party, watched the end of the Carolina vs. Missouri game which was insane and had most of us screaming, and then got ready to go to Velour. Haleigh still had no idea her parents were going to be there or that Brandon was going to propose. I felt extremely nervous for some reason! Becca was nice enough to watch our kids (thanks, Becca!) and came over around 9, so we could go to the concert.
The show itself was amazing. The Moth and The Flame released their new CD and performed their final show before leaving for Europe, where they are touring with Imagine Dragons.
About four songs into the concert, Brandon (who was noticeably nervous) began singing a song with an acoustic guitar. Haleigh whispered to me that she didn't recognize the song. I smiled and then practically pulled her forward so Brandon could walk out to her. He walked out to her, came down from the stage, sang his heart out, and then proposed. Everyone was crying. EVERYONE. Of course, she said yes.
It was the best. My favorite moment was when Haleigh finally saw her parents and brother on staging, smiling and crying with happiness. I am so glad we were able to be there!
Brandon left the next morning for Europe, and I know Haleigh will get to wedding planning soon! I am just relieved that they are finally engaged and that I don't have to keep any more secrets!