Monday, October 12, 2009

Wow, Discovery

Life as a full-time mother has led to my recent addiction to television. In my defense, I am too tired and overwhelmed to give a book enough focus and other interests (including blogging or anything constructive) require too much attention. So- a life of Law and Order and TLC it is.

Recently, TLC has shocked me with some of its shows. For instance, last weekend Nathan and I watched "I'm Obsessed With My Pet." This show chronicles the lives of three individuals who love their animals. From a single woman with eleven cats who adamantly proclaims she is "NOT a crazy cat lady" to a woman with severe anxiety who takes her monkey "daughter" everyone with her. It is definitely unusual. I mean, I do love my baby but after all....she IS a baby. Overall, it was just really sad. And speaking of television and children, I'm not even going to start with "18 Kids and Counting."

But the show that really takes the cake is actually on rival network Discovery Health. Entitled "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant," it is as ridiculous as it sounds. And yes, you did read that right. This show tells the stories of various women who were unaware they were pregnant up until they WENT INTO LABOR. Seriously. I couldn't even make up anything like this. One woman had twins without even knowing she was pregnant! After having a baby myself, I think: "This is ridiculous. Obviously, these women are completely oblivious as to what pregnancy symptoms are." However, some of the cases are somewhat understandable when the situation is described. Anyway, it is crazy and truly a ridiculous television show.

But the really tragic thing is, if nothing else interesting is on television Wednesday night, I might just have to watch the show again. Wow.


  1. Celia, I love you and I love that show. haha. It's insane that women can go an entire 9 months and not notice anything.So yeah, you have a blog and I will not be reading it. Stalkerish? I don't think so. We did live together for that beautiful summer and I'm totally ok with inviting myself to read your online journal. Anyways, this is a long comment that really isn't saying anything so...yeah. You and your family are darling.

  2. Wednesday nights are fantastic! You'll need to be watching Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, and Top Model starring "Crazier by the Minute" Tyra herself. Your Wednesdays are packed now, girlfriend!

  3. um. yes. television has definitely taken a turn for the worst.

    it is very unfortunately pathetic.


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