Thursday, November 4, 2010

So Maybe I Should Stop Watching Scary Movies

For the past few nights, I have had horrible nightmares. Vampires, scary children, ghosts, and zombies have been visiting me in my sleep. I have no clue how this happened. I'm sure it is completely unrelated to the fact I went on a horror movie binge. AMC and the Chill Network were showing edited horror movies in honor of Halloween. This is one of the only chances I get to see so many classics! These are some of the movies (and a television show) that I watched last week:

The zombie baby and zombie little girl are terrifying.

The classics.
The little boy is terrifying. So is Jack Nicholson.


 I love Cillian Murphy.

 This show is brilliant! Nathan doesn't like any kind of scary movie and still enjoyed this series premiere. My friend Becca has a full explanation. 

And finally, there is Beetlejuice. After watching this movie for the first time in ten years, I am slightly disturbed this was one of my favorite movies as a child. It is creepy! I also can't get over how skinny Alec Baldwin was or how weird Michael Keaton became. I still love the dancing scene at the dinner table.

Catherine O'Hara is awesome.


  1. I have grown wimpy in my old age and pretty much can't watch any of those. I get horrible nightmares just from thinking about remotely scary things so I don't like to add fuel to the fire by watching scary movies/tv shows/etc. It's kind of sad.

  2. I used to love scary movies as a teenager, but now I just can't do it. I get so freaked out! Also, when people die, I can't help but think that some poor person has probably actually died that way, and it's not entertaining at all to their family. That's a good way to kill the fun! Think of mourning family members! Beetlejuice is so weird and entertaining.

  3. I love watching scary movies during the Halloweeny time. I wish we either also had those channels or that we lived closer so that I could come over and watch them with you. Beetlejuice is amazing! I thought the same thing about Alex Baldwin. After watching 30 Rock and then seeing him in this, it's almost like looking at his brother, Billy.

  4. I don't watch scary movies anymore. This blog post was enough to give me nightmares.


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