Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Dress

My grandmother has always loved buying her granddaughters fancy dresses. I've always loved this about her (and many other things, of course). A few weeks before Easter, a lovely lavender dress with a cute little sweater arrived in the mail. Eliza looked adorable and loved twirling in the dress.

 Please notice the adorable socks and shoes my mother just had to buy. I guess lace socks and Mary Janes are a big deal to my family.
They look so much alike.
 Eliza is no longer the baby she was last year. She has changed so much!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blogging Bribery?

I told myself: “I will start blogging again as soon as we find our camera. Blogging is boring without pictures.”

Well, after five months and intense searching, we haven't found our “nicer” camera (meaning our two year old point-and-shoot camera, rather than our four year old point-and-shoot). Then, I went to visit South Carolina and lost the older, backup camera! So, we were left with no choice other than to buy this beauty:
At last, a DSLR camera!! We delayed this purchase for months, as we saved and researched various cameras. Nathan and I originally wanted a Canon Rebel, but decided this lovely little Nikon was exactly what we needed. The Rebel is a little more advanced and much more expensive. We’re just beginners, so this is perfect.

Here is the first picture taken with our new Nikon: 
Eliza, shedding a single tear after waking up from her afternoon nap. The camera captured that tiny little tear (and the confused/sleepy expression on Eliza’s face). Oh, what detail! We’re excited for many more (happier) pictures!

Thank you, Becca for your recommendation!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Let the Great Hunt Begin!

Growing up, Easter egg hunts were always a big deal. My grandfather was a pastor, so he and my aunts were always in charge of the church's massive Easter celebartion. My cousins and I would spend all day dying dozens and dozens of eggs in preparation for the Easter festivities. After the last egg hunt, we would have contests to see who could throw an egg the furthest or who could hit certain objects with a colorful egg (i.e. stop signs, statues, cars?? eek).  My cousins, the boys at least, would even hold a competition to see who could eat the most eggs. No lie. They would remove the dyed shell and eat as many tainted as eggs as they possibly could. I remember the white of the egg was always a purplish hue, regardless of what color the egg had been dyed. Of course, our parents were never happy about any of these events.

Keeping those thoughts in mind, I opted to buy plastic eggs for Eliza's first Easter egg hunt. After our church cancelled its Easter plans due to weather, we decided to have a small celebration indoors. We invited a couple of Eliza's friends over and had a wonderful time.

Happy Easter!