Friday, November 11, 2011

How is That Possible?!

On Tuesday, I went in for a non stress test and a regular OB appointment. I mentioned previously that I measured nearly 35 weeks along. As many of you know, this number is based on fundal height, which is the measurement from the top of the uterus to the pubic bone. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, fundal height measurement often matches the number of weeks you have been pregnant. So, if a woman is 24 weeks pregnant, the fundal height usually measures 24 centimeters. Today, only three days later, I am now measuring 42 weeks pregnant. That is more than a 7 week (and 7 cm) change in 3 days!
I haven't gained any weight, so I assume the addition of 7 cm to my fundal height is due to the babies readjusting. I have felt some crazy movement, so I imagine Baby A is doing the Superman in utero. It's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with! Sadly, these measurements prove that I do, in fact, look like a human torpedo.

Photographic evidence. This is the difference of five days.

After I repeatedly asked Nathan to retake my photo, he finally said: "It's not the camera. It's not the angles. It's the subject."


If you want to see a more interesting view of this, Nathan used his Photoshop skills to overlap the images. It's not perfect, but it definitely illustrates the point.


  1. Five days! Yeah they must have totally changed their positions. That is amazing!!

  2. Have I mentioned lately how awesome you are?! Great job on the overlay Nathan!

  3. Um, holy crazy!! Also, props to Nathan for his mad Photoshopping skills. I must be taught. Those little guys are sure giving you a run for your money. As long as they stay in there until 36 weeks!!!

  4. Um, that is awesome! I know it doesn't feel awesome, but from an outsider's perspective, that is the shiz!

  5. At least your boobs are getting bigger too! ;) Really though, you are radiant. Absolutely beautiful!

  6. You look great, Celia. Love the overlay comparison. Can't wait (well can until they're 36 weeks) to see those cute little guys!

  7. WOW!! You are reminding me of Christy in the last days/weeks! I've been keeping an eye on you and hoping for all the best....

  8. That is incredible. :) Getting soooooo close!

  9. Hey, I found your blog through Danielle's. I hope you don't mind. :) I was too curious about how you are doing! Glad to see that everything is going well.


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